About PPC Banner

The Trustees shall apply the income of the Charity for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Stanford in the Vale

Registered Charity No 266718

Stanford in the Vale is fortunate to have a Public Purposes Charity (PPC) whose origins date back to the 18th century when it was first set up to administer allotment lands on behalf of the Parish.

Nowadays, it uses the interest from well managed investments to deliver support to organisations in the parish who are actively supporting and strengthening the community.   

Each grant application is reviewed by the Trustees who consider if the project is appropriate, within the Charity Commission guidelines, and if the funding is for capital expenditure with a lasting legacy.   Trustees will provide feedback on applications and are keen to see new and worthwhile developments within Stanford in the Vale.

Grant Applications are welcome at any time and will be considered at the next Trustee meeting following receipt.   Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, Grant Applications will not be considered outside of Trustee Meetings.

Grant Application FormApplication Notes


Our Commitment To Data Protection

In keeping with General Data Protection Regulations, introduced in May 2018, the Public Purposes Charity (PPC) has updated its Privacy Notice about the collection, storage and use of personal data.  The following principles summarise our approach:

What is personal data?
In the context of PPC processes personal data will include your name, organisation, address, contact details, such as email and telephone numbers and signature.

Why do we collect personal data?
The PPC collects personal data in order to process applications for grants, allotments or deal with general correspondence.

How is your data collected?
We will gather your data when you complete a Grant Application, an Allotment Application or send us general correspondence which contains personal data.

Will your data will be held securely?
The PPC takes the security of your personal data very seriously.  Robust procedures will ensure that your data is fully protected and it will not be shared with any third parties.

PPC Privacy Notice

Complaints and Whistleblowing
Conflict of Interest
Risk Management and Reserves


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