A selection of organisations that Public Purposes Charity Stanford in the Vale has supported...
Stanford in the Vale Football Club ...photos of the new floodlights the PPC kindly part funded! They make an amazing difference!
St Denys Church PCC Repairs to church tower clock and a new flagpole - in time for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
Stanford in the Vale Football Club We can't thank-you enough for the grant received for the new small sided goals!
Stanford in the Vale Social Club Substantial contribution to the new extension, completed mid-2019
Stanford in the Vale Pickleball New bats AND balls!
Preschool Window and ceiling blinds; building blocks; repairs to the playground
Primary School Improvements to Foundation outside area; 32 new laptops for the Computer Room
Various items purchased late 2019
Parish Council Funding for the burying of power cables at the QE2 Recreation Ground; installation of a defibrillator at Primary School
St Denys Church PCC Repairs and restoration of church tower clock; opening up wall to War Memorial
Jumpin Beans Art and craft materials
Regular payments are made for the printing of the Parish Newsletter,
as well as allotments water and repairs

1st Stanford in the Vale Scout Group
Kitchen and catering equipment; car trailer
Baby Mums
Setting up a new Baby and Toddler Group with hardware
Book Club
Purchase of shelves installed in Huddle Coffee Shop
Community First Responders
4 wheel drive response vehicle

Drama Group
Update of equipment; new lighting
Faringdon East Neighbourhood Action Group
Purchase of a Speedwatch kit for use in Stanford in the Vale village
Football Club
Clubhouse roof repair
Hatford Parish
Installation of a defibrillator in Hatford
Home Start
Funding for Stanford in the Vale families
Local History Association
Publication of book St Denys Churchyard; reprints
Parish Council
Diamond Jubilee celebrations contribution; funding for improvements to the park/play area
New materials; purchase of lockable, secure storage cupboards; custom built storage for equipment
St Denys Church PCC
Repairs to notice board; booklet on the history of St Denys Church building
Short Mat Bowls Club
Short Mat roller
Silver Threads
Village Hall
New toilets; curtains
Regular payments are made for the printing of the Parish Newsletter,
as well as allotments water and repairs